Thursday, May 10, 2012

Day 62 - Interior coming together

A few things got done today.   
  • The brick got acid washed and looks a lot  better.  All the stuck on dust is gone.   Photo below does't do it justice.
  • Banisters installed, most of the doors installed
  • HWFloors are done :-)
  • Tile is done in the master bath.   Sinks/Counters are in both upstairs baths.
  • And lastly, I did another DirecTV look angle test with my phone.  Now that the trees have grown in we still have a clear shot from behind the garage.   I had hoped to put it on the other side of the house next to the AC unit, but I think the trees will block from that side. 

Tomorrow is supposed to be the plank siding (finally... a week late), cabinets and rest of interior trim, and possibly the deck.    



  1. It is super exciting for me to see your pictures since we are both building the Yorkshire! You are still the only other blogger I've found building it!

  2. The banister in the foyer looks good, that is a nice touch.

  3. Can you do me a small favor after they install your cabinets? Can you measure the space for the refridgerator? I can't seem to get a straight answer from my SR or PM. They keep telling me anything but a sub zero one will fit. I find that hard to believe!

    1. Looks to be roughly 39 1/2 x 69 1/2, so it should fit most ones. It seems small when you look at it, that is just because it is surrounded by cabinets.
